Move It
I have not always been an active person. All through middle and high school, I wouldn’t even participate in gym class. I was thin and felt like that was good enough and there was no reason to exercise. If I’m honest, I was very lazy. Then, when I was 18, I went on a day trip to Boston with a friend, and I realized I was winded just walking (not speed-walking, mind you, but just walking around leisurely). I decided right then that I would start exercising, because I realized that I need movement in order to live my life well, and I have stuck with it ever since. Exercise is not just about building a physique; it’s about building the strength and stamina you need for your everyday life, to do things such as walk up flights of stairs without feeling like you’re going to pass out, play soccer with your kids (and model healthy habits for them!), and lift heavy boxes at home. Additionally, it has helped me view my body in a different way and meet new people who have encouraged me to continue my healthy lifestyle.
Exercise is so important for our health, but we’re pretty good at coming up with excuses for why we can’t do it, such as (but not limited to):
I’m too busy to work out
I’m too tired to work out
It’s too expensive to work out
I have an injury that interferes with my ability to exercise
I don’t like to exercise
Please recognize these as excuses (if you disagree, check out one of the Youtube videos of athletes who are wheelchair-bound or have prosthetic limbs). There is nothing more important than your health, so you must make movement a priority. There’s a difference between having a particularly busy week or taking a couple of weeks to recover from the flu, and not making an effort to establish a consistent exercise routine. Let’s address each excuse in turn:
Too busy? We are ALL busy people. When we are not getting in our exercise, it’s because we are prioritizing other things ahead of our health. If you don’t think you are doing this, start tracking how much time you spend on your phone/computer/in front of the TV. You don’t have to spend 2 hours in the gym for your workout to be “worth it”-- even if you speed-walk a mile outside or do a 20-minute HIIT video online, you’re moving and improving your health!
Too tired? You are likely prioritizing other things ahead of your sleep. I recommend sticking to an earlier bedtime, meditating before bed, and keeping your phone OUT of your bedroom. Use an old-fashioned alarm clock instead. I started doing this a couple of years ago and it has made a huge difference in my sleep quality, where I actually sleep longer and deeper. After struggling with insomnia for my entire life, this has been seriously life-changing.
Too expensive? There are TONS of online fitness programs and videos that are free and require little to no equipment. When I was a student and couldn’t afford a gym membership or fancy equipment, I bought a $20 weight set on Amazon and did videos from Fitness Blender and Blogilates. I also highly recommend TMAC FITNESS for some short but effective workouts!
Have an injury? Get creative! If you have knee problems, stay away from high impact workouts that require running or jumping (you can find low-impact workouts through a simple Google or Youtube search). I had an issue with my hip for about 6 months that prohibited me from high impact workouts, so I stuck with upper and lower body weights (while listening to my body and adjusting as needed) and low impact cardio, such as the rowing machine or bike.
Don’t like to exercise? First of all, as with many other important things, it can be hard to get started with a new exercise routine. You can do hard things! Secondly, if you REALLY don’t enjoy it, you haven’t found your workout yet! I didn’t always enjoy working out until I started boxing. There is an infinite number of workouts out there for you to try: Barre, running, Crossfit, boxing, kickboxing, Zumba, Pilates, Orange Theory, swimming, biking, tennis, and many other workouts that are being created all the time. Try them out-- even if you are trying them out via Youtube tutorials (barre and Pilates, for example, are very easy to try at home). As you get stronger and more fit, you will grow to love movement.
Exercise is a huge part of my life for so many beautiful reasons. It has honestly changed me in so many positive ways, and I want the same for you. It is NEVER too late to develop an exercise routine that works for your body and your situation, and my hope is that, if you are not currently active, you take some steps to care for yourself in this way. Your health is 100% worth it.