10 Ways to Help Fill Your Cup in 5 Minutes or Less
I have always been a very busy person. No matter what was going on in my life, I found a way to pack in as many tasks or activities as possible into every 24 hours. I didn’t know how to relax for longer than 30 minutes at a time.
Then I had a baby, and I realized I had not known what “busy” even meant before I became a mother! It’s hard to explain to someone who doesn’t have kids what moms do all day. We may not have much to show for it in a tangible way at the end of each day, but we never sit down and hardly get to go pee alone. There are no weekends, and we work overtime on holidays.
In all the chaos, as we are so busy keeping a little human (or maybe multiple humans) alive, we often forget to care of ourselves. In my first year as a mother, I was incredibly run down all the time. I mean, every single day. I argued with my husband that I didn’t have time to relax because I had too much to do and my daughter needed me. But I am learning that there is no excuse not to take five minutes to myself at least once a day, and it can make a difference.
So, today I am sharing 10 ways to help fill your cup in 5 minutes or less (this list is as much for myself as it is for you!):
Step outside and let the sun hit your face. Seriously, some fresh air and vitamin D can do wonders for your mood. It’s even better if you can go barefoot and stand on the lawn (there is actually research demonstrating benefits of “grounding”).
Make an indulgent or comforting drink, like hot chocolate or a latte. This is one of my personal favorites. There is something so wonderful about a warm drink (even if you have to reheat it once or twice).
Play a guided meditation track. I personally love the Expectful app for pregnant/postpartum guided meditations, or you can even find tracks on YouTube or Spotify. Five minutes of meditation or deep breathing can really make a difference.
Stretch. I always feel better after a good stretch, and it really helps for the rest of the day. Here’s a link to a bunch of stretching videos that are 5 minutes or under!
Write a gratitude list. Grab a piece of paper and a pen (or even the Notes app in your phone) and jot down at least five things you’re grateful for. Another idea that can be helpful for postpartum body image is to write down five things you like or appreciate about your body. (You birthed a human. Your body is amazing!)
Eat your favorite fruit. This is so simple. I personally love some sliced strawberries with almond butter as a little bit of a sweet, juicy snack that is still good for my body.
Diffuse some lavender oil or light a candle. A little aromatherapy can really help reduce your stress! This is my favorite non-toxic candle.
Put on a little makeup. I’ve started doing this most days, and it definitely makes a difference in my mood and how I feel about myself. Here’s the makeup I use (all safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding!).
Say some affirmations. I used these during pregnancy and birth, and I’m trying to incorporate them more postpartum. Changing your thoughts can change your life! Here’s a link to 50 affirmations for moms.
Take an extended shower. Ok, I know you’re thinking “showering is not a true break,” and you would be right. But what if you extended the super fast shower you usually take and added in a spa-like touch? I love this scrub for exfoliating and hydrating all in one pretty package. Follow it up with some heavenly melting body balm.
There you have it! There is no excuse not to invest five minutes in yourself by doing one of these things. You can do this, mama, and your family will benefit from it, too.
Do you have other ways you help fill your cup? Leave them in the comments below.
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